As long as u buy u might win once in awhile now Im finished I even gave it 3 r 4 more chances in at least 1 1/2 years I may have won 10 jackpots and that is playing 5 million a roll believe me its not worth it if u r smart u would play a new game I had this game up to 200 million twice and they kicked the game out so sad to b so dishonest well here it is 4 months later and I gave the game another chance but it is not worth it I buy and play for nothing I played 12 hours alone yesterday and try for the jackpot party what a waste this game doesnt want u to win just buy u would think they would let u win sometimes to get u to play more but not with this game players beware u cant win Beth lou I will play my chips off then goodby
Catfish 69 about DoubleU Casino™ - Vegas Slots